The real estate law has so far been vigorously debated, if all goes "well", comes into force from the beginning of 2017. Journalists still around belabor that in the following period to the validity of the law, waiting for us in the real estate practice lawlessness, wring their hands and lament They point to a dishonest and fraudulent conduct of Realtors. But the situation is not intractable: Czech Republic has a lot of good brokers who long before any laws are started talking, comply with the regulations real estate trade fair. Unfortunately, these honest crunches some podvodníčci which client they promise the moon almost at prices that are fair in the real estate business impossible. Support in its negotiations are real estate agents who do not care for the resulting customer satisfaction, but the total profit and private benefit. The solution is in the hands of each of the clients of Realtors - consistently choosing fair and honest real estate agents real estate brokers and not fraudulent broker earning. Those honest broker and realtor should be encouraged. Only in this way can wrestle with the crooks, even without a real estate law. In conclusion, it can be exaggeration to say that the law itself does not solve much of anything. It is not so important for real estate law, but rather an ethical, honest real estate and business partners who respect ethical principles (principles of fair trade) have as "their own law."
Široká nabídka bytů, skvělá dostupnost kanceláře. Doporučuji (reference k makléřce Ladislava Felbingerová)
— T.V., Praha